What is Reiki and what can it do?
Reiki Healing is a safe and simple technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes emotional wellbeing.
Yeah, but what is it?
Reiki is a Japanese word, “Rei” meaning Universal and “ki” meaning Life Force or Energy. When put together, “Reiki” means Universal Life Force Energy. This energy, Ki, is the vital force that sustains all living things.
When I perform Reiki Healing I am channeling the Reiki energy to where it is needed in the body and allowing it to do it’s thing!
It’s pretty amazing really! Reiki has it’s own wisdom and knows exactly where you need the most healing RIGHT NOW. It can strengthen your immune system, improves your body’s natural ability to heal itself and brings about profound results.
Reiki is very effective in bringing your body and mind into balance, promoting healing on a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level.
Reiki can reduce stress and anxiety, relieve pain and tension and help release blocked emotions. It can also (and by no means is limited to…) clearing energetic blockages in the chakras, aura and spiritual planes.
I love to combine all Reiki in all my sessions, the most incredible part is it can travel any distance to where it is needed, so again is perfect for both face to face and Skype consultations.
Why not give it a try today?